Wednesday 25 September 2013

Analysis of Music Magazine - Front Page/Content Page/Double Page

 Front Cover Page

The title of this magazine ‘NME’ is easy to spot because it is in a bigger font size from the other texts and is in red which allows it to stand out from the other texts.

Florence who is a famous artist is on the front page of this magazine as the central image. An image of a famous artist like Florence is used to grab the readers’ eyes and persuades them to buy the magazine being the artist is contemporary artist.

The image of Florence is shot as a long shot. She is wearing a tight short black dress and black high heel pair of boots. Her hair colour is dark bright orange. The colour of her outfit and hair colour contrasts very well this makes her appears unique and not like a typical artist. This already hints to the reader this magazine music genre is not a typical music genre, mostly indie rock or rock.
The way she is presented, dressed in dark colours makes her appear bolder where her makeup is pale and her hair colour is dark bright orange makes her look fearless too.
Florence has a direct mood address on this suggest she wants a relationship with the readers and her fans.
The anchorage text ‘‘FLORENCE LIKES AMERICA’’ gives us a hint of Florence’s latest gossip which will be in the magazine. The use of an anchorage text persuades the readers to want to read more about Florence and convinces to purchase the magazine.

Florence being dress in black could imply she is trying to convey women’s power and authority being that black connotes authority and strength.

‘Featuring’ is in italics; the use of italics is usually used to allow a section to stand out from the rest being as it is an important section.

‘Exclusive’ is the buzz word used on the front page of the magazine. The word exclusive implies to us readers the magazine is a special and limited edition. The buzz persuades the readers to purchase the magazine.

The cover lines/ puffs are in white texts to contracts and stand out from the red background. The use of colour contrasting grabs the reader’s attentions to the cover lines and puffs.
‘THE STATE OF MUSIC TODAY’ is in a larger font size from the other cover lines and puffs also it is in bold font. This is has been done to allow the cover line to stand out from the rest of the other cover lines. This suggests this cover line is the main cover line on the front magazine and it is important section.

The way the artist is presented suggests the overall message she is trying to convey is women’s power and authority because of the bold colours she is wearing.

Analysing the front cover magazine looking at the cover lines, the title of the magazine and the central image on the front page suggest to me this magazine is a music magazine because the cover lines, the title of the magazine and the central image related to music.

The colour scheme consists of red, black and white. These colours are all formal colours and bold colours. The colour scheme suggests to the readers this magazine’s target audience is an older generation, targeted at 26-35 years old.

The use of a colour scheme also imply to readers the colour scheme follows in the content page.
The use of dark colours already hints to the readers this magazine’s target audience is for an older audience. Using a contemporary artist like Florence as a centre image attracts a younger audience too. This encourages the younger generation to purchase the magazine. This gives the magazine a wider audience.

The bar-code implies to us readers that the magazine is trendy as its issues number is larger than 1000 means it sells well.

This is a quote clearly seen as it in speech marks ‘‘MY HEART STOPPED’’ this hints to us readers it from an interview. This tells us one of the main features are interviews.

 Double Spread Page
 The choice of the artist suggests to readers this magazine’s targeted audience are people whose interests are listening to indie or rock music and attending live festival. Florence who is the choice artist featured in the article is an indie rock artist who performs at festivals. Her fans are an older audience (from aged 26-33years old) this suggests this audience is the target of the magazine.

The title of the double spread page is ‘USA got the love’ this is one of her singles. The title of one of her songs being on the article allows her fans to relate with her. The title is in big font and is spread across both of the pages; this is to grab the attention of the readers.

The double spread page is organised columns; this allows the readers to read the article easily. The use of columns allows the reader to be focus and not get distracted.

The image of Florence takes up half of the double spread page and the texts take up the other half.
Florence has on a direct mood address this makes her appear bold and confident. This could also suggest she wants her fans to fee; connected with her.

The image of Florence makes up appear very dominant being as she takes up half of the double spread page, this already tells the readers the article is about her.

The magazine is using a formal tone addressing the readers as intellectual readers and fans. The use of a formal tone immediately tells me the target audience is for an older audience.

The artist is presented to the readers as unique artist because of the colour of hair-orange, which is vary to see on artists.
Adding her style of dress makes her look fierce but the same time attractive because of the colour black and the tight dress and high heel boots.

The style of the article is formal and has a colour scheme which is followed from the front cover of the magazine.
The colour scheme on the article page is the same as the front cover.
This shows that this magazine has a house style.

‘USA got the love’ is the title of Florence’s singles. Where some readers do not know this information means they will need prior knowledge of Florence singles or they will end up getting the article misunderstood.

The style of text is formal; from analysing it I predicated the font style is ‘Times New Roman’ which is formal font style

Italics font style is used on the title of this page ‘got the love’ the use of italics font style is usually used to allow a text to stand out.

Reading the article I acknowledge the type of language used in the article is very formal and it is intended for intellectual audience.

‘In retrospect even infectious vibe’ this sentence uses intelligent, big and complex words, which only intelligent people and older people could read and understand what they mean.
‘Contains a thread of melancholy’ the word melancholy can easily be said as sad or miserable.

The type of language used in the article is very intellectual and formal because of the complex adjectives used in the article.

The colours used on the double spread page are red, black, grey and blue. The blue is used to high lint specific sections on the article. The colour blue is used in the introduction section.

The style of text is formal; from analysing it I predicated the font style is ‘Times New Roman’ which is formal font style.

Content Page 

The way the main image is constructed immediately tells us the artists in the image are the main features in the magazine because the image is displayed large on the page.
The main image on the content page is of a famous band the Arctic monkeys performing live this tells us the targeted audience are people whose interest and hobbies are attending live band performances and festivals.

Adding to that the image hint the genre of the music magazine, implies to us readers the music genre is rock because of the band ‘Arctic monkeys’ which is a rock band. Along side because of the way the artists are dressed as ‘rock stars’ and the instrument being played by one of the artist, which is a guitar. Most rock artists are usually seen playing a guitar when performing.

The anchorage text is in a bold and font text to stand out-‘Arctic monkeys p45’ this is to grab the reader’s attention. The anchorage text already informs readers the page that links with the main image.

The information is organised in columns and divided headings. The structure of the magazine already hints this magazine is formal and tells us the magazine is targeted at an older audience (26 years-35 years).

The content page is organised in categories and sub lines to present it as formal.
The use of categories gives the reader a hint of what will be inside the magazine and makes it easier for the readers to look up for a specific category. Readers can easy look for the pages of reviews looking under the reviews category.

The colour scheme consists of red, black and white which is the same colour scheme as the front page. These colours relate to the music genre rock being as the rock artists and bands are presented in dark colours. The colour scheme implies to us the music genre of the magazine is rock. The content page supports the style of the front cover.

The section where it states ‘SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SAVE’ at the bottom of the page is a key section on the content page. I could identify this because yellow is used which is not part of the colour scheme. Yellow is often used to stand out something which is more important to grab the attention of the readers.

At the right side of the content page where the page numbers are displayed below there is a heading in red ‘plus’ which contrast from the other heading above. This makes it stand out. Tells us there are extra parts in the magazine.

The website link of the magazine is presented as a promotional feature on the content page which is being promoted to the readers to SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SAVE’. The offer ends ‘18.08/09’.

The title of the magazine is the logo of the magazine which is placed at the left side corner of the page. The logo is very dominant because of the front size and font colour which is red. Red is a colour that is eye catchy.  

The brand does not have any other franchises.

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